CAK Safety Council Enrollment Form 2024-2025

Sponsored by the BWC Division of Safety and Hygiene in cooperation with the Green Area Chamber of Commerce

MUST BE RECEIVED BY JULY 31, 2024 to be eligible for the BWC 2024-2025 Program

In signing this enrollment form, the employer makes a commitment to send representatives to the majority (a minimum of 10) safety council meetings.

$200 Season Pass includes 12 regular monthly meetings. (You may pay at the monthly meeting as well).
Additional meeting and workshop opportunities throughout the year may or may not incur added charges.

Make checks payable to: CAK Safety Council
If paying by credit card call the Green Area Chamber at 330.552.5056

Mail to:
4735 Massillon Rd, #459, Green OH 44232

Attendance Requirement
Any representative of the employer is welcome to attend and meet the eligibility requirement.  Any number of representatives are welcome to attend the Safety Council meetings. A person can only represent ONE policy number with their attendance at a meeting. ALL attendees must sign-in at the meeting to register attendance.

